Monday, October 18, 2010

A first time for everything.

Hello y'all. I'm blogging---from the airport. I'm trying to remember that sometimes when life seems like it's going the wrongest way ever, it's usually just to give you more propelling power in the the direction that you want it to go.Have an awesome rest of the long weekend my JA peeps.

(Thanks to my hunni for being so patient with my early morning/late night traveling melt down and then waking up and driving me to the airport.)

So guess who had an eyebrow grooming scissors in her hand well as a nice big thing of St. Ives Apricot scrub that was well over the liquid oz. limit. Here's a clue---

It was this chick.
Love Nicki.


  1. I Love that pic its too frikin cute!

  2. ha ha ha Tell you bout country ppl who dont travel often! pic looks hella cute. let me know when u make it safe

  3. Your sweater is bomb, homie! (partly because it reminds me of Blue's Clues. Don't judge me.)

  4. And not gay Joe.. STEVE!.... this reminds me of an upset duck.... or that bird from thumbalina... he's awesome.. which makes ur face awesome.. :3
